A body of time

So, I'm going to call the place I spent most of my awareness/focus the Energy realm. "Ether" sounds a little too scary, too medical, and the Spirit realm can have weird connotations--good connotations, but also weird. Because I think I was (and am?) still trying to attain the Spirit realm. The nirvana. The center of the vortex. A place of peace. The Ohm in the middle of the world. So, in the Energy realm, time moves differently. The thought is as good as the deed. In fact, there are many things that haven't been physically accomplished here in the physical world because I had done them in the energetic world. Letters unsent, gifts unpurchased, events unattended. I had already spent time and energy thinking about, experiencing, enjoying these things. And in the energy world, that felt finished. So there was only a vague push to put the letter in the envelope. To actually get outside. To really pick up the phone. The advent of text and email have greatly improved my ...